November 28, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Karyn Brownson, MSW, explores the latest research linking brain and social development with injury prevention.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basics of how the brain develops from birth to age 24.
  • Think about injury data through a brain development lens.
  • List two ways in which understanding connections between brain development and injury can improve and inform prevention practices.

October 24, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Public Health Director Dawn Emerick. EdD. describes how a local health department in Oregon used change management principles to restructure in advance of the state’s modernization efforts.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe public health modernization efforts in Oregon.
  • List two change management theories.
  • Identify three change management tactics imperative to organizational restructuring.

September 26, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Policy Administrator Stefan Johansson discusses using data to drive performance in Wyoming state government.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why performance management has historically been challenging for public health organizations.
  • List three tips for approaching large data sets from a performance management perspective.
  • List two strategies for developing meaningful priorities to drive appropriate data analysis plans.

August 22, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, prevention specialists discuss how they are using art and media projects to address marijuana-related health disparities in creative ways.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Washington State Department of Health’s role in marijuana prevention and harm reduction efforts.
  • List two ways communication strategies can improve health equity regarding marijuana use among some youth populations.
  • List two reasons why engaging key audiences and community partners in developing and implementing health communication products is important.
  • List two examples where community-based organizations used culturally-relevant messages and audience engagement throughout campaign development.

July 25, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, Kristen Beiers-Jones, MN, reviews how population health nurses in Oregon are moving upstream to improve refugee health.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify three reasons why health insurance lapses for refugee populations.
  • List three common consequences of health insurance lapse among refugee populations.
  • List two system-level solutions for preventing health insurance lapses among refugee populations.
  • Consider the connections between social justice and health care access.

June 29, 2017. In the June session of Hot Topics in Practice, the Northwest Public Health Leadership Institute and the University of Washington Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health welcome lactation consultant Camie Goldhammer to discuss how communities of color, especially Native American communities, are reclaiming breastfeeding as an indigenous food source.

Learning Objectives

  • Review how breastfeeding was historically discouraged among communities of color and the barriers that created.
  • List three benefits of breastfeeding as noted in the scientific literature.
  • Review how public health professionals from across many disciplines and departments can support breastfeeding through their work.

May 23, 2017. In the May session of Hot Topics in Practice, members of the Seattle and King County Heroin and Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force discuss implementing “supervised consumption sites” to address the health and social harms of substances.

Learning Objectives

  • List the eight recommendations made by the Seattle and King County Heroin and Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force.
  • Describe the evidence supporting supervised consumption sites as an effective harm reduction and public health intervention.
  • Discuss common community concerns about supervised consumption sites and how to address them.

April 18, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, Emily York, MPH, Oregon Health Authority, presents the state’s new climate resilience plan, which includes an all-hazards approach and action-oriented strategies at the state and local levels.

Learning Objectives

  • List elements of the Oregon Climate Resilience Plan for the public health system.
  • List and describe recommended climate change strategies that emerged from the statewide stakeholder engagement process.
  • List three examples of how Oregon's public health sector is taking climate action at the state and local levels.

March 27, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, Public Health Nurse Deborah Giedosh, EdD, shares how her team developed and delivered public health curriculum to support incarcerated dads in Alaska.

Learning Objectives

  • What biases might you or your organization have in dealing with incarcerated populations?
  • What are potential challenges for public health nurses bringing educational outreach to correctional facilities?
  • Consider how a similar prison-based health education program could work in your community.

February 21, 2017. In this one-hour presentation, the speakers will summarize the state of reproductive health issues at the national level, review the science about unintended pregnancies and health disparities, and describe effective forms of birth control.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe Washington State’s Accountable Communities of Health in general, and the North Sound Accountable Community of Health in particular.
  • List three challenges an unintended pregnancy creates.
  • Identify effective forms of contraception.
  • Summarize one success and one lesson learned from the North Sound Accountable Community of Health’s Long-Acting Reversible Contraception project.

January 24, 2017. In this one-hour webinar, government affairs specialists discuss a statewide plan to build public support for funding essential public health services in Washington State.

Learning Objectives

  • List three elements of the foundational public health services funding proposal being considered by the Washington State Legislature.
  • Review how to talk about core public health services in compelling ways to those who are not familiar with them.
  • Identify two ways to educate decision-makers and other stakeholders on the importance of public health in local communities.

December 13, 2016. In this one-hour webinar, representatives from Public Health - Seattle & King County describe their work investigating and preventing childhood deaths through a multi-sector review team.

November 28, 2016. In this one hour webinar, speakers share the results of NWCPHP's 2016 regional public health training needs assessment and discuss how one health department in Washington State is acting on the data.

October 18, 2016. In this one-hour webinar, speakers present new evidence and examples about cross-jurisdictional resource sharing among local public health jurisdictions.

September 27, 2016. In this one-hour webinar, representatives from the Coeur d’Alene tribe and Idaho’s Panhandle Health District discuss how they responded to a significant windstorm.