January 29, 2018. In this MCH webinar, Yolanda Evans, MD, MPH and Cari McCarty, PhD will discuss healthcare strategies for screening and intervention of substance use among teens.

November 21, 2016. In this MCH webinar, experts from Idaho discuss ways to implement medical home best practices and facilitate pediatric health care quality improvement.

July 22, 2016. In this MCH webinar, our presenters highlight some barriers to obtaining well woman exams in special populations and ways they have addressed them.

March 18, 2016. In this Maternal and Child Health webinar, Kirsten Frandsen will review e-cigarettes, the truths behind industry messaging, how we can use lessons learned from working with Big Tobacco, and what public health partners are doing to protect the public.

December 8, 2015. In this maternal and child health webinar, Thomas Benedetti, MD, and Mara Zabari review the new Safe Deliveries Roadmap, a quality improvement plan for advancing prenatal care in the Pacific Northwest.

February 2, 2015 In this one hour Webinar, Nancy Grote, PhD, discusses MOMCare, an 18-month culturally relevant collaborative care intervention for perinatal depression.

October 30, 2014. In this one-hour webinar, Carolyn McCarty, PhD, and Ashley Maliken, PhD, describe current research on the behavioral and neurological factors that contribute to vulnerability in adolescence.

June 27, 2014. In this one-hour webinar, Erin Kinavey, Carol Prentice, and Jillian Lush present their experience implementing the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) Online as part of a coordinated, statewide system to achieve universal developmental screening for children, birth to five years, in Alaska. This innovative Child Find initiative is built on a partnership with medical providers and early care and learning agencies.

April 11, 2014. In this one-hour webinar, Wyoming's Title V Director and MCH Epidemiologist will discuss efforts to engage rural and frontier communities in the state's Title V needs assessment. Their discussion will include strategies, outcomes, barriers, successes, lessons learned, and next steps.

December 12, 2013. This webinar examines
lessons learned from Oregon's MIECHV experience and principles that can
be used for selection and use of performance measures.

June 24, 2013. This one-hour webinar reviews the U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use and the Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use.

January 17, 2013. In this one hour webinar,
speakers discuss the challenges faced by women who are migrant and
seasonal farmworkers in accessing health care.

May 29, 2012. In this one-hour Maternal and Child Public Health series webinar, Lyle Fagnan, MD, presents the results of a pilot study to assess the use of a standardized process to screen children for developmental and psychosocial risks at family medicine practices in rural areas.

January 20, 2012. In this one-hour webinar, part of the Maternal and Child Health series, Christopher Blodgett, PhD, and Quen Zorrah, PHN, MSN, describe current work in adverse childhood experiences in Washington State.